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We provide a number of courses for individuals and businesses, delivered online, either as live seminars, or pre-recorded trainings. 

Available Courses

Mental Health Awareness Course
Nature Therapy Course
Mental Health Awareness

For Managers and Leaders who need to be able to know when and how to respond to the mental health challenges of your team.

Know what to do, and what not to do, to support your colleagues.

Offered as both an online course and as an outdoor experience: gain the mental health benefits and increased connection to nature that leads to a calmer you.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

                                         Henry David Thoreau

Supporting People After A Crisis: A Guide

Following a crisis or traumatic event it's difficult to know how to help and what not to do. This course outlines the ways you can help, and the things that don't help at all, and when to call the professionals.

Sales Confidence Training
Resilience Training
Anxiety Management Course
Sales Confidence
Resilience Training
Therapist- Led Anxiety Management

A proven blend of the psychology of confidence with the real-world understanding of the processes and mindset that leads to sales success.

Burnout, Quiet Quitting, Overwhelm, Presenteeism.

Professionals need to be resilient in today's workplace, but resilience isn't about being able to take punishment and still stand, it's about developing flexibility and support mechanisms. This course is designed for hard-working people who don't want to get crushed by their workload or business environment. 

The philosopher Kirkegaard called Anxiety 'the dizziness of freedom'. We live in fear of anxiety, but it is a normal response from our nervous systems.

This course teaches us how to manage anxiety, and make choices that feed our sense of safety rather than letting anxiety take over.

Full Course List

ADHD Awareness
Anxiety Workshop
Boundary Setting
Burnout And Overwhelm
Confidence and Resilience
Confidence And Resilience At Work
Domestic Violence Awareness
Equality And Diversity Awareness
Facing Addiction
Finding Meaning
Friends and Family of Addicts Group
Getting Help- A Guide To Change
Guide To Self Care
Happiness @ Work
How To Choose Your Wellbeing Provider
How To Talk About Mental Health
Journaling For Wellbeing
LGBT Awareness
Managing Stress In The Workplace
Menopause Awareness
Men's Mental Health
Mental Health Awareness
Mental Health Guide For Parents
Mental Health Skills For HR Professionals
Mental Health Skills For Leaders
Mindfulness for Men
Nature Therapy
Rewriting The Fairytale- Tell Your Own Story
Sales Confidence
Smoking Cessation
Storytelling In Presentations
Understanding Adult Autism
Understanding Bereavement
Understanding Sexuality and Diversity
Wellbeing In Your Industry

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